Monday, August 18, 2008

Swedish Weight Loss Secret

For years I've been yelling and screaming about the importance of online social support (i.e. having Internet weight loss buddies).

And finally, after all these years, the Swedes have proven this weight loss secret (and no, it's not just "eat fewer Swedish meatballs").

Researchers at the world famous Karolinska Institute wanted to find out why some men and women succeed at weight loss while others don't.

They studied many men and women using an Internet Weight Loss Club, and found that the people who used the site the MOST also LOST the most weight.

That means that going online for social support in your weight loss program is one of the most IMPORTANT things you can do.

You might not have the perfect home life, office environment, or workout buddies, but chances are you will find someone to help you on an Internet weight loss forum.

And the truth is, you won't find another Internet Weight Loss Club as positive and helpful as you'll find at

We're there to help you lose weight and inches. See below for another of our TT Member Success Stories.

Stay strong with our help,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Don't FORGET!

On September 15th, NEW member fees will be put in place to join for access to all of the Turbulence Training workouts and videos.

"I have been using Turbulence Training for about 3 months now and am ecstatic with the results. The workouts require minimal equipment, you get great nutrition information and you get access to the online forum which is invaluable. Being able to actually communicate on almost a daily basis with the person who created the program is one of the best parts of TT, and there are plenty of other people on the site with tons of useful information who may have gone through similar experiences.

Since starting the TT program I have dropped 15 lbs, more than 5% bodyfat and over 3" from my waist. I feel great and my energy levels are through the roof. I even feel this extra energy spilling over into other aspects of my life and making them better as well. All I can say is thanks CB not just for the fitness change but a great lifestyle change."
Derek Kendig

Click Here to Join a PROVEN Weight Loss Club

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    You, and the Swedes, are so right Craig. Social support and accountability are crucial if not imperataive to success with weight loss. Great post CB.
