Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More From the Turbulence Training Contest Winner

Here's more of Catherine's trials and tribulations pre-TT, and then more about the results of her TT results...
"It's my love for food, drink, and lying about with a good book that got me up to 153 pounds, but, quite frankly, I think it's the pursuit of pleasure that helped me get the fat off again.
Let me explain, I have a strong moral center, I'm not out to do anything wrong, but if I can't find enjoyment in something, it's going to be really hard to get me to do it for long, so if I have to starve and do 14 hours a cardio a week to conform to someone else's standard of beauty it's just not going to happen.
TT, thank heaven, doesn't ask me to do that. I get a great deal of enjoyment out of my pushups. Really. It's only the last three in each set that that demand serious effort, and they're worth it.
Recently I went to Las Vegas with an old college roommate. Everything we hoped and more. The shows- Jersey Boys and Le Reve, fabulous. Our view from the 57th floor of The Wynn was amazing, and we'd leave the curtains open to wake up to the spectacular sunrise each morning, then eat and down to the pool before nine.
Oh the bliss of really truly having nothing to be ashamed of at the pool! I don't even feel like I need makeup anymore, just sunscreen. So great to walk and walk without feeling tired, and the shopping!
We bought swimsuits, dresses, the rack! On sale! And it all fit! Oh the joy.
I was proposed to at the craps table at the Bellagio- twice!
One guy asked if he could touch my shoes- weird, but oddly flattering.
In just a few months, I've gone from middle aged invisibility to...hmmm, I don't know what to call it because it's not the same as the attention that you get in your twenties that often makes you uncomfortable, it's more like being comfortable in your own skin, embracing who you are.
Yes, that's it.
So pushing hard to the end of an interval, struggling to get one legged stability ball curls right, or digging down for those last two mountain climbers becomes a pleasure because the payoff is so real. This morning, that veggie omelet tasted so good. So, back to life's regular joys. Family, soccer practice, laundry. It is so good to be home.
Congratulations to everyone in the TT contest...let's get ready for round #3 next week!
Here are the rules of the upcoming 12-week contest and the 4-week mini "Twitter" contest...and YES, you can do both.

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