Friday, July 18, 2008

Testimonial of the Month?

Sometimes folks mean to forward my emails, with comments, to one of their friends, but they hit "reply" instead of "forward" I end up getting the message (which is often very revealing!)...

Take this email I received yesterday in reply to one of my newsletters, which I'm quite sure was meant to go to someone else...I'm taking these 11 words as a compliment (and Mark B. - the author of these words - is in the running for TT Testimonial of the Month!).

This guy is a f*****g machine...check out his ab exercises!"

Check them out indeed!

The CRUNCH-FREE six pack workout era starts Monday.

Click HERE to get put on the Early Bird Notification List for the Crunch-Free Workouts

Find out what a Spiderman Pullup is on Monday,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Abs Workouts

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