Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday Afternoon Kettlebell Workout

Did lots of stuff out at the ranch today in the heat with an afternoon kettlebell workout.

Long warm-up. Things are feeling good. Grip is a little weak.

70lbs snatches - 10 per side, 8 per side

53 lb snatches - 15 per side

1-arm OH walk with 53 - 35 yards, 2 sets

70lb 1-arm swings - 13, 10

(At this point i had to sprint after the dog who ran off after a bicyclist going down the road...he got about halfway out the lane, ran into the wheat field, and came back. Fortunately. Then I took him down to the crick for a dip in the water, then back up to finish the workout.

We had his doggy pool filled with water, but he only wants to go in the river. Oh yeah, and earlier he ate a bunch of watermelon really fast and then puked it up. If you own a dog or you watched the episode of Family Guy where Brian takes Meg to the high school dance, you know what happened next...)

Back to the workout...

Figure-8 farmer walks with 70 - 2 sets of 50 steps

53 lb 1-arm OH press - 1x8

1-Leg RDL with 53 - 1x8

70lb 1-arm swings - 8

I think that was it. This is about as strong as I got with the kettlebells last year, but I'm 1-month ahead of schedule. I'm going to start making my kettlebell workouts a little longer now, doing more exercises.

I might look up an RKC out in BC this week depending on my schedule,


PS - Kettlebell Meltdown Fat Loss program is coming soon!

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