Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Meltdown Fat Loss Secrets

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians...and an early Happy Independence Day to my American friends...

That means summer is fully ON.

And that also means we might need advanced fat loss strategies, for those of us fit enough to train really hard, but still packing a few extra pounds.

You know I hate to see you stuck in the gym, so I intereviewed Kettlebell expert Troy Anderson, author of the upcoming TT-style KB Meltdown fat loss program about his 3 best ways to burn fat fast.

CB: Troy, you use all types of exercise methods, what really stands out for maximum results for minimum time?


There's a lot of good stuff out there, but when I hear the 'max result for minimum time' I think of what I can I do in less than 1hour to get great total body workout.

That being said here are my top 3 time savers:

1. Any ballistic KETTLEBELL movement in particular the swing and snatch movements. Performing these in any rep accumulating format, such as ladders, timed worked intervals, or low repetition complexes, using short rest intervals.

Read about methods 2 & 3, plus Troy's Sandbag Circuit for Fat Loss in Part 1 of his interview here:

=> 3 Meltdown Fat Loss Training Secrets

And watch for that Kettlebell program in the 2nd week of July...

DOWNLOAD: The TT July Workout of the Month

July Workout => The DB-BW Fusion Combos 2008

Perfect for summer, when you have even LESS time than usual to hit your workouts.

I just created a new Dumbell-Bodyweight Fusion workout to help you get more work done in less time!

This TT workout contains the perfect pairings of dumbell and bodyweight exercises to help you get maximum results in minimum time, without having to change weights between supersets (if you use adjustable dumbells at home) or grab two sets of dumbells at the gym.

Download the workouthere:

=> Click Here to Download the July Workout

Only 8 weeks left till back to school, so get your fat loss program in gear today!

See you on the TT forums,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training for Fat Loss  

PS - Want to watch all of the old TT Monthly Workouts?

You can here:

=> Click Here for ALL 2007-2008 Monthly Videos

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