Friday, July 25, 2008

Last Vancouver Walk & Workout

It's been a great trip to Vancouver - the city is as great as everyone says it is - but it's time to head home. Finished up one more walk and a workout today at the Steve Nash Sports Club.

Last night I walked all the way over to Kitsilano Beach that I'd heard so much about. Very nice. I'd definitely hit that place if I lived here. I covered a lot of the city but didn't make it over to North or West Vancouver...I just ran out of time. But the tourist part of the city is clean, friendly, safe, and full of beautiful people. So it gets the Turbulence Training seal of approval.

Oddly enough, yesterday I had the worst sushi I'd ever a city famous for its sushi. Weird. Toshi Sushi in Toronto sets the bar for good sushi for me.

Today's workout went down at the Steve Nash Sports Club in downtown Vancouver. That place was huge. I didn't know they had that many elliptical machines in the world, let alone one gym. But it also had squat racks and heavy weights. Not very busy at this time, so the workout went smooth.

It was a good workout, even though I squatted in running shoes, which is stupid because they are built for shock absorption and with an elevated heel, not what you want for squatting. I usually wear converse but didn't pack them.

Bodyweight Warm-up

Bodyweight Squats
Shoulder Rotations
Neck rotations
Bodyweight Squats
Good morning with the bar
Squats with the bar
2 chinups
Chest stretch
Hip flexor stretch
Side stretch

Squat Warmup

95x12, 135x8, 185x8, 225x6, 275x3


1A) Squat - 300x3x8
1B) Chinup with knee up (neutral grip) - 12, 8, 6

2A) BB Bulgarian Split Squat - 155x2x8
2B) BB Row - 185x3x8, 135x10

That was enough. No kettlebells this week, but I'll get to them on Sunday.

Now to plan my snacks for the airport and airplane,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - The fat loss kettlebell program is now ready!

Click Here for the Kettlebell Fat Loss program

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