Monday, July 21, 2008

Ab Exercise Triset

Have you tried the 3 exercise Ab Triset on Page 30 of the NEW TT for Abs Home Abdominal Workouts yet?


Your abs will get worked really hard without crunches or sit-ups. In fact, I've set it up so you do...

-> One exercise to stretch and contract your abs through a much greater range of motion than crunches, and that makes the exercise more powerful

-> A follow up exercise that combines endurance with a diagonal movement to work your obliques harder - and safer - than any twisting crunch could.

-> A finishing exercise that works your six pack and all of the small muscles that keep your low back safe and pain free.

And then you rest and do it all over again two more times!

There are great ab trisets in each of the TT for Abs workouts, but I think you'll like that one the most.

Get THREE sample ab workouts at:


Work your abs hard without crunches,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training  

PS - Don't miss my article that REVEALS...

...the 5 Six Pack Ab Workout Myths...

=> Click here for ab workout mistakes

1 comment:

  1. A follow up exercise that combines endurance with a diagonal movement to work your obliques harder - and safer - than any twisting crunch could.
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