Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday Intermediate & Deadlift Workout

Drove from Stratford to Toronto early Sunday morning then headed off to the gym for the Deadlift + TT Intermediate Workout A. I added my strength exercise to the start of the Supersets, and did deadlifts. Workout was cut short because I had to be at the airport...heading to Baltimore for a few days.

Side note for those who travel. Usually I take 3-6 apples and two big bags of nuts. Today I stepped it up and even brought along chopped up vegetables in a little cooly packet to keep them fresh.

The hotel I'm staying at in Baltimore has the worst menu, and is one of those airport hotels out in the middle of nowhere, far away from any grocery store. So I prepared ahead even more than usual.

Strength Exercise

355x1 rep using double overhand grip
335 - 3 sets of 5 reps using the alternate grip

TT Supersets
1A) DB split squat - 2 sets of 8 reps using 75 pound dumbells (10 pound increase from Day 1)
1B) DB incline - 2 sets of 8 reps using 60 pound dumbells (had to be conservative again, too much training last week)

2A) BB RDL - 185x8, 205x8 (increased in second set by 20 pounds compared to Day 1)
2B) Pushups - Just one set, did 42. Two more reps than Day 1. 

3) Deadlift - 225x10reps

Then I had to jet home, get ready, and head out.

I'll be training in a hotel gym this week, so no main strength exercises again until Thursday when I'll bench press.

Train hard but safe,


PS - Join me on the Turbulence Training Intermediate Workout...

Click Here to get your 21-day Trial of Turbulence Training  

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