Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday Kettlebell Workout

Working on a few secret Turbulence Training projects today, one that will be out for August, the other for September. So in the spirit of secrecy, I trained with Russian Kettlebells today.

Use the 35, 53, and 70 pounder for swings, snatches, 1-leg RDL's, and Renegade Rows. Funny thing, on the rows, I thought, "man, this is really hard today." Then I realized I was using a heavier weight than I did last time...and when the weights are jumping almost 20 pounds, that's significant.

It does also give us a little lesson...that oftentimes we aren't pushing ourselves as hard as we can.

That doesn't mean you should train recklessly, but try to surprise yourself sometimes. That's why, like Jay Ferruggia's PR Workouts, I like to set a personal best in each session.

Improve performance, and you'll improve your physique.

I also took a couple of glamour shots to share with you next week,


PS - Why you should eat Haagen-Daaz...

A fitness expert recommending ice cream? Well, not really, of course...but how many people will go an entire summer without ice cream? If you're going to "cheat", as bodybuilders call it, at least do it right...

Take a minute and read Brad Pilon's article about ice cream here...

The Haagen Daz Paradox: Food Quality vs. Food Quantity

PPS - If you can't cheat responsibly, don't cheat at all...

By that I mean, if you can't stop at a small bowl, don't buy a container. Keep it off limits. Until you learn to "play nicely" with treats, don't tempt yourself.

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