Monday, June 23, 2008

Personal Records Workout

Set a personal record in today's workout. Actually, set a couple of them. One of them was even on purpose.

The other record was a mistake, and I'm worried I'm turning into Mr. Magoo...

More on that below...let's breakdown the workout.

Strength Training Exercise

Deadlift - Overhand Grip - 365x1 - Personal Best

I was surprised by how easy this went up. I'm a big fan of kettlebells for improving grip strength, and I think that is one of the reasons for the personal best.

Deadlift - 345x3x5 - mixed grip.

Turbulence Training Intermediate Workout A

For the second workout in a row (see Saturday's workout), I grabbed a heavier weight than I expected and did my set...only to find out after the set that I made the error.

As a result, I set a personal best. There is a lesson here...and that is that most of us don't push ourselves as hard as we can. Safety first of course, but there's a little more left in the tank than we want to admit.

That's why working with a trainer or working out with a workout partner often gives greater results. Or at the very least, using a program designed by someone else - i.e. Turbulence Training - because it asks you to do exercises you would otherwise skip over.

1A) DB Split Squats - 1x8, 1x6 using 90lbs dumbbells (Ooops, thought I was grabbing 80pounders. So set a personal best by 10 pounds. I noticed after the first set, and maybe "knowing" was why I only did 6 reps in the second set).

1B) DB Incline Press - 1x8, 1x7 using 90lbs. Also didn't know for the first set.

Looks like I might need to get new glasses!

2A) BB RDL - 225x2x8
2B) Pushups Max - 43

3) Played around with a bunch of ab exercises...including Chin-up/Knee Raise combo. I liked it.

4) Deadlift - 225x15

Pretty tired after this one. Next time I will use the right weights!

Train hard but train safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I have a NEW Free Report for Men that includes a NEW Sample TT Workout...

Click HERE to get your sample workout & meal plan to build muscle and lose fat

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