Sunday, June 29, 2008

How to Feel Fit & Healthy

I just have to tell you, and this is going to sound weird, but lately I've been feeling so good, so healthy, so energetic, so fit, and so strong, it is even surprising me.

Yesterday, just for fun, I tested my vertical jump and I can still touch the rim. Not bad for a 33-year old, 5'8", white guy.

I mean, I feel better than I did 5 years ago. Maybe even better than I felt TEN years ago...even though I was exercising just as hard, or maybe even harder and more often back then!

So how the heck does a 33 year old guy feel as fit as he did when he was still in University.

Heck, I have to hold myself back from training twice a day.

The only problem is, I really can't explain it.

I've been feeling this way for weeks, and I don't think it is...

-> The Kettlebell training I just started - even though the workouts are killer, and even I'm surprised by how much work I can do in less than 15 minutes.

-> My diet, because it was months ago that I doubled my fruits and vegetable intake, and eliminated almost every single gram of added sugar to my diet.

(By the way, for anyone that thinks fruit makes you fat, I get about 10 servings of fruit per day and if you saw my photo from last week, you know fruit ain't putting any fat on me.)

-> And it's not my workouts either, although I did step-up the pace of my workouts when I started using the Turbulence Training Intermediate Program 3 weeks ago.

-> Don't think it's my sleep either, I always get 7, if not 8 hours of sleep per day.

And I drink a lot of water, 2-4 cups of Green Tea, no excessive amounts of caffeine so I don't crash and burn, and I make sure to take several deep breaths whenever I'm stressed during the day.

So what the heck could it be that's causing me to feel 10 years younger?

And why am I telling you all of this anyway?

Well frankly, I wish you could all feel as good as I do.

I often hear from folks who are under 30 and who feel that they'll never be in good shape again.

And that makes me quite disappointed. That's the type of email I don't like to get.

I mean, we've got TT'ers who are in their 50's who are kicking butt and training hard every week and then some 26-year old guy emails me and asks if he can ever lose his love handles?

Bad attitude!

So maybe there isn't one big SECRET in that list I shared above...'s probably just a combination of doing ALL those things, CONSISTENTLY.

And these are all things YOU should be doing as well - and trying to be a little bit healthier everyday.

Take baby steps.

1) If you only had 2 fruits yesterday, try to have 3 today.

2) If you didn't have any broccoli last week, try to get 1 serving three times this week.

3) If you cheated on your diet 5 days last week, cut it down to 3 days this week.

A little bit better, every day, all the time, and before you know it, you'll feel better than you did last year, five years ago, and hey, maybe someday even better than you did TEN or TWENTY years ago.

We have a lot of life to live my friend, so let's start living it with as much energy, strength, fitness, and enthusiasm as possible.

Helping you become healthier and fitter than ever,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - It is time to switch up your workouts!

And I just created a new Dumbell-Bodyweight Fusion workout to help you get more work done in less time!

This TT workout contains the perfect pairings of dumbell and bodyweight exercises to help you get maximum results in minimum time, without having to change weights between supersets (if you use adjustable dumbells at home) or grab two sets of dumbells at the gym.

And you'll get this workout as just one of your bonuses when you get started with Turbulence Training today.

Click Here for Turbulence Training

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