Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hillary Clinton Might Be Done, But...

With Hillary Clinton out of the running, America might not be able to vote a woman into the White House this year...


We all still have a chance to vote for a woman at the 1st-ever Fit Yummy Mummy Transformation Contest.

Vote here for the Mom who you think made the biggest change in their body and life. (Don't forget to read their essays!)

Click Here to Vote

WORKOUT: Fat Loss Roboto 8-Exercise Circuit

I don't like doing intervals on machines. In fact, in the next few months, you'll see more and more articles from me persuading you to go old-school and find other ways of doing intervals.

I don't think our bodies were designed for the repetitive movements that cardio machines demand, instead, we should use a variety of movements - like in my bodyweight circuits.

Here's a bodyweight/dumbell circuit I designed for you using the Fat Loss Roboto.

Click Here to make your own fat loss workouts

Craig Ballantyne's 8 Exercise Fat Loss Circuit

-> Do each exercise for 20 seconds.
-> Rest 10s between exercises.
-> Repeat for 1-3 circuits.
-> Rest 10s between circuits.

1) Bodyweight Squat
2) Kneeling or Regular Pushup
3) Forward Lunge
4) Staggered Alternating Pushup
5) Bulgarian Split Squats
6) Decline Pushup
7) Plank
8] Dumbell Swing

PS - You can watch videos of almost all those exercises in the clips at:


Say goodbye to fancy machines,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

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