Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Modified TT Workout - I'm Beat

Yesterday I trained with a client to do one of the workouts from the upcoming July TT DB-BW Combo program, and then I trained with another client in a Kettlebell workout, so I was a little beat up going into the last workout of the week today.

As a result of all the training I did this week, I changed up the workout.

Here's what I ended up doing in what was supposed to be TT Intermediate Workout A.

Bodyweight circuit warm-up

Strength Exercises

Clean - 185x3, 190x2, 190x2 (good results for me)

Squat - 315x5 (only did 1 set due to time and soreness. being conservative)


Bulgarian Split Squat - 2x8 at 40 pounds
DB Shoulder Press - 60x8, 70x7

Good Morning - 185x8 (only one set, running out of time)
Pullups - 1x14 (max reps)

Deadlift - 225x13

Pretty beat by the end of this workout. Back to workout B on sunday, traveling on M-W.

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