Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Disappointing Workout

Disappointed to watch the French lose to the Italians today, but the Italians were clearly better. The French had nothing once Riberry got hurt. Oh well, some great games are left...

So I watched that game today while I worked out in the hotel gym. I did Turbulence Training Intermediate Workout B, but skipped the maximum strength exercise, as the hotel gym was not equipped with a real bench press. Just a smith machine...although that came in handy.

And I had to make a couple of other modifications in the workout, so it looked like this...


1A) Pistol - 3 sets of 8. (I broke my right ankle at age 14, long story, and I've never been able to do Pistols as well on my right side as my left. On my left, I can do full sets of 8. On my right, I can barely do 3 full repetitions in a row.)
1B) Stability Ball Rollout

2A) DB Reverse Lunge - 2 sets of 8
2B) Side Plank - 60 seconds, 45 seconds

3A) Inverted Row - 20 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps
3B) Stability Ball Leg Curls - 3 sets of 20

(This superset was modified from DB Rows + Back Extensions)

4A) DB Curls
4B) DB Triceps Extensions

Added in a little fun for the arms.

Back to another TT workout on Thursday. Tomorrow should be a complete rest day, or a bodyweight circuit in the morning.

Train hard, and throw in a little something fun,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Not satisfied with just one arm superset?

If you want to get big and gain lots of size on your arms, get Jay Ferruggia's mass building program at www.PRWorkouts.com

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