Friday, May 09, 2008

Turn Coal Into Diamonds

Way back in March 2005, on a sunny spring morning in a beautiful training facility in a gorgeous Toronto neighborhood, I met with a new client - we'll call her Anna - for her first real training session in over 10 years.

But there was a dark cloud over our heads that day...

As we went through so many basic bodyweight exercises, Anna grew more and more frustrated with each movement that caused her trouble and made her feel awkward and clumsy.

Too many years of inactivity had made basic movements difficult, even though Anna had been a great student athlete 25 years earlier.

No doubt you've had a client like that...someone who was frustrated by the "disconnect" between what her brain was telling her body to do and what her muscles were able to accomplish.

And what did I tell her?

1) To be consistent
2) To focus on improving every day
3) To follow a professionally designed program
4) To fuel her body with the right foods
5) To accept that things won't change overnight, but that with time and persistence, she will succeed.

So start thinking small changes today turn into consistent habits for tomorrow that result in big transformations over time.

That is the key.

Just like turning coal into diamonds.

It takes time, but consistent pressure over time can work miracles.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training for Fast Fat Loss

PS - Not sure where to start?

Beginners should go to the main TT for Fat Loss book and start with the Introductory workouts.

More experienced folks, but not advanced, should start with the Intermediate program in the main TT for Fat Loss book. That should cover 90% of TT users.

Advanced folks can start with the Original Turbulence Training workout found immediately after the Intermediate workout in the main TT for Fat Loss book.

After you complete your first program, please continue through the rest of the workouts in the main TT for Fat Loss book in that specific chronological order.

Click HERE to get started with Turbulence Training

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