Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Truth About Weight Loss


I get so mad when I come across these "Politically Correct" articles telling overweight men and women that they can burn belly fat by doing crunches in bed.

(I just read that "tip" in a Prevention magazine article. What a joke!)

Politically correct "bull" like that is an insult to all of the hard-working men and women who have struggled for years to lose
belly fat despite doing hours of long, excruciating cardio.

But now these "experts" are telling us all it takes to lose weight is 25 crunches in bed? Give me a break...

If you want to know the truth about fat loss, read my very popular article about "Politically Incorrect Weight Loss Secrets" here:

=> Politically Incorrect Weight Loss

You'll only hear the truth about fat loss from me,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - "Biggest Loser" Trainer Jillian Michaels knows the truth about how to get flat abs...

Listen to what she has to say here:

Jillian Michael's Opinion of Turbulence Training

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