Thursday, May 01, 2008

How to Start the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest

Welcome to the 2nd Turbulence Training 12-Week Transformation Contest.

This contest starts on May 1st, and you have until May 31st to enter.

The contest ends on Aug 23rd. (If you start on May 31st, Aug 23rd will be your last day of the 12-weeks.)

Very important...

Click HERE to read all of the Transformation Contest Rules

For best results...
  • Use the TT Members forums for social support, and feel free to ask all of your nutrition and workout programs. We are here to help.
  • Start a new thread for your daily workout/nutrition journal where people can check in and encourage you or offer advice.
  • Feel free to post your progress photos in your own thread.

It's not mandatory to use the forums, but again, it will give you better results to do this stuff.

And here are some helpful Turbulence Training resources to get you started...

1) For fat loss workouts...(including the Beginner, Intermediate, and TT2K3, TT2K4 and more):

Click HERE to download the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Manual

2) Fat Loss Nutrition Help:

Click HERE to download the TT Nutrition for Fat Loss Guidelines

3) Advanced Transformation Tips from the Pro's

Click HERE to download "Transformation Secrets"

4) For motivation and inspiration:

Click HERE to listen to or read "Mastering the Fat Loss Mindset"

5) How do you measure your body fat?

We've got a report here that can help you:

Dr. Berardi's "How to Measure Your Body Fat"

Plus, someone posted this site and it worked quite well for me...

Click HERE to find out your body fat

It might not be perfect, but it might do for some folks with no other option.

Let us know if you have any questions,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
Head Judge, Turbulence Training Idol  

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