Friday, May 02, 2008

How Do I Measure My Bodyfat Percentage?

Do you know how to measure your body fat?

If you don't how to measure your body fat percentage, I have two excellent resources for you, perfect for folks who wantto track their progress over time (and everyone should be tracking their improvements).

But first, some Transformation Contest Q'n'A...

Q: Where do I sign-up for the contest?

There is no "official" sign up sheet.

Technically, to enter:

You just need to email or post your before and after photos anytime before August 23rd, 2008 (your 12 week transformation must start between May 1st-May 31st, 2008).

More info on the email for "posting" your photos, you can do that in the TT member's area.

(And when you get your copy of Turbulence Training before next Wednesday, you'll get a 6-month free subscription to the TT member's area).


For maximum results, it is recommended that you get the social support benefits from the TT forum by posting your before photos, your daily workouts and nutrition, and your struggles and triumphs.

There are a lot of smart, friendly folks on here who are eager to help, me included!

Q: I have a quick question with regards to entering the Transformation Contest. Do we have to record our before and after body fat percent? I do not have access to a scale that provides
that information. I am pumped to see results!

Knowing your body fat percentage is not required to enter.

The Before and After photos are mandatory, and that's really what the contest is based on...the numbers just make for nice reading.

That said, you can try using some of the online calculators, such as this one:

I found this was quite accurate for me...and while I can't promise the same for you, but it should be better than nothing.

PS - And in the TT Member's area, we also have a free report on how to measure your body fat at home with calipers.

PPS - In the Transformation Forum, I've listed a bunch of reports that every "TT Transformer" should read before starting, including:

- Transformation Secrets
- How to Measure Your Body Fat
- Dr. Chris Mohr's Nutrition for Fat Loss Guidelines
- and the "Mastering the Fat Loss Mindset" inspirational interview

Q: Do we have to post our results on the Transformation Forum? If not, how do I enter by email?


No, you don't have to post your info on the forum.

If you want to enter by email, you just need to get your photos in to this email address by midnight, EST, on August 23rd, 2008.

=> Support(AT)

(Replace the (AT) with @ sign. I've listed the email like this so that to protect it from spam.)

That seems like a long time off, but the 12 weeks will fly by!

Q: The rules state that I have to do Turbulence Training workouts for all 12 weeks, but I'm going on holiday for 10 days in the middle of the contest, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to workout. Does that disqualify me? I will do TT workouts the rest of the time.


No, thats fine.

What I mean is, someone who uses only the Body for Life book workouts for 12 weeks wouldn't be eligible to enter the contest.

Or if they only did Hip Hops Abs for 12 weeks.

Or the Thighmaster. Again, not eligible. Not even if they used it in supersets paired with a Captains of Crush gripper.

Your plan is okay!

Q: Just to clarify things, we can use any TT workout, right? We don't have to use just the original TT for Fat Loss workout? I can choose any TT workout on the site - Just as long as it's a TT workout, right?

Any TT workout. There are dozens and dozens of TT workouts for you to choose from.

It could be...

- TT Bodyweight
- TT for Women
- TT for Muscle
- TT for Athletes


Click HERE to get Turbulence Training

Have fun!

Really looking forward to your transformation,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training  

PS - A powerful video is coming your way next week!

Sorry for the delay...I just wanted to make sure it was perfect.

PPS - I also have 10 new bonuses coming your way next week...


- TT with Kettlebells...
- More ab exercises
- Female-Troublespot & Bikini Abs Workouts
- A muscle-building bonus from my friend, Jay Ferruggia

And much more...

Get started with all these workouts here...

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