Monday, April 21, 2008

Vote Today - It's a VERY Tight Race for 3rd Place

Only 14 votes separate 3rd place from 4th place. So make sure you vote today over at

Today brings an end to an incredible roller-coaster ride for over 100 men and women who finished the first ever Turbulence Training Transformation Challenge.

There will forever be a strong connection between these folks, who despite living thousands of miles apart were able to support and encourage one another to achieve more fat loss than they ever had before.

Please take a moment to recognize their efforts by voting today, and realize that their journey to fat loss and better health, just like yours, is not over.

In fact, for many folks, this is just the beginning.

"It's difficult to find the words to express the difference the TT program has made in my life. I don't feel like the same person I was on January 1st. The support network on the TT Member's Forum is incredible. The words of encouragement, the suggestions, and the support that was always available helped keep me accountable but also helped keep me strong. I realized I was not alone in my journey."
Kristine Willis, Transformation Contest Finalist

The next TT Transformation Challenge officially begins on May 1st.

But you can get the manual now and start preparing your nutrition and exercise plan today (but don't forget to vote first!).

Vote now for the 1st-Ever Turbulence Training Transformation Challenge at:


Head on over and check out their inspirational photos and essays,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
Fat burning exercises

PS - The Winner will be announced on Tuesday, April 22nd.

Tell your friends to vote at

Top prize gets $2000.
2nd prize gets $1000.
3rd prize gets $500.

And there are a lot of 3 month and 1-year memberships being given out as honorable mentions.

(Plus, I'm offering even more prizes in the next Transformation Contest!)

PPS - Congratulations to everyone who completed the contest. We are all very, very proud of you.

Last chance to vote:

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