Friday, April 04, 2008

Skeptic Loses 30 Pounds of Fat

Seeing is believing, right? Well, this is especially true for a skeptic of transformation programs who finally sees amazing fat loss changes in his own body.

And that's our fat burning transformation story for today...all the way from jolly ol' England, here's running coach Chris Curtis talking about his Turbulence Training success story (also note his success with Eat Stop Eat)...

(And don't forget to read this using your British accent!)

"I have previously seen before and after photos in fitness magazines for people who have completed 12 week challenges and been very sceptical at some of the results. From all that people have achieved here at TT Members, I am a convert!!

Day 1 Stats:
Weight - 210lbs
Bodyfat - 33%

Day 84 Stats:
Weight - 188lbs
Bodyfat - 21%

So from my calculations, I have lost 12% bodyfat which equates to a gain of 8lbs in lean body mass and a total loss of 30lbs fat. Over the last 12 weeks, I have also:

- Progressed from being too unfit to run to running 2.7 miles in 21 minutes.

- Progressed from struggling to complete 5k rowing to rowing 7.2k in 30 minutes (That's an average of 2.04 per 500m for any rowers out there)

- Progressed from struggling to complete 1 set of tabata intervals to completing 4 sets having completed a TT workout

- Lost enough fat and gained sufficient confidence in my credibility that I am now coaching runners again

- Completed a 12 week training programme without getting injured or missing any scheduled sessions.

My workouts were:
Week 1-4 TT Beginners
Week 5-8 TT Intermediate
Week 9-12 TT Original

To say I'm pleased with the progress made is an understatement of unimaginable proportions. The progress I have made in 12 weeks has stunned me - I never knew I had it in me!!


"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" - Lao Tzu

It was a journey I knew I had to make. I was 44 years old and 210lbs, my father had been retired following a major heart attack at 45 and died at 57; both his parents died of heart failure before they were 60. For my family, this was a journey I had to make.

The single first step was crucial.

I love the film the Matrix. When Neo is first plugged into the Matrix, he is confused as his old tatty clothes are gone. In the Matrix, the characters appear as they perceive themselves - "It is the mental projection of your digital self" Morpheus tells Neo.

For me, my projection was of a 160lb athlete in his twenties. And I kept trying to train like one. And I kept getting injured.

My single step was to swallow my pride and train at a level commensurate to an out of condition, middle aged man. And that meant going back to the very basics to the point of starting with a beginners workout.

"If you could get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed" - David Viscott

Any journey is made much easier by a map and mine was my TT workouts. They provided clear instructions for the shortest route to fat loss and fitness. Where there was any doubt, there was a guide to help. Craig Ballantyne was always on hand offering encouragement and advice on the route to take.

Most of the pleasure of a journey comes from company of other travellers. My fellow TT transformers encouraged me, bared their souls and shared their own journeys, an immense and wonderful support.

A joy on any journey is to make a serendipitous discovery en route. Mine was Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon. Many a diet plan I'd tried had gone by the wayside due to work pressures. Shiftwork and the commitments of the job rendered eating multiple meals a day impossible. Here was a plan to cope with that and still help me lose weight.

"Between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose" - Viktor Frankl

Many journeys are beset with difficulties and mine was just the same. Over the last twelve weeks I have faced challenges both at home and at work where previously my response would have been to give up or to seek refuge in food and alcohol.

However, I have chosen to keep to my plan, to manage my nutrition and to succeed!

"Il faut cultiver notre jardin" - Candide (Voltaire)

Now, at the end of 12 weeks, I can measure the progress I have made. My weight is now 188lbs, a drop of 22lbs and my body fat is 21% a drop of 12%. That equates to a fat loss of 30lbs. I guess that a journey is a good analogy for the last 12 weeks which have had a clearly defined start and finite finish. Turbulence Training has taught me more than that though.

These 12 weeks have been more than just a journey. In Voltaire's novel, at the end of his travels, Candide concludes, "Il faut cultiver notre jardin" - we must cultivate our garden. Just as a garden that is neglected soon becomes bound up with weeds, so do our lives. In these 12 weeks I have prepared the soil and I now have the tools to flourish and become fruitful
for tomorrow and forever.

My greatest thanks in all this goes to Craig and my fellow TT transformers without whose care, support and love I would not have made the journey that I have."
Chris Curtis, UK

Powerful stuff.

Chris remains one of our most inspirational and encouraging members over in the TT forums, although every single member plays a vital role in the success of others.

I strongly urge you to get as much social support for fat loss as you possibly can.

Congratulations to another successful TT transformation story.



Click HERE to start your own life-changing fat loss transformation

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