Friday, April 11, 2008

A New Workout Personal Best

I set a strange new personal record in my workout last night.

But it was for latest workout time ever. Or earliest, depending on how you look at it.

I got to my hotel here in Charleston at midnight, thanks to Charleston celebrity cab driver, "Skeeter" Brown.

When asked why he was named "Skeeter", he told me everyone thought he looked like a "Skeeter" when he was born.


Got to my room, did some work, had a snack, and then hit the 24-hour hotel gym for a workout at 1:20am. Lots of rowing and pulldowns and some dumbell stuff. I hope to get a real workout in on Saturday afternoon.

Nice little place this Charleston city seems to be...might even get a chance to go surfing.

Off to work now,

Big News Coming at Turbulence Training

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