Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How to Get In Men's Health Magazine

Trying to explain what I do for a living generally requires a whiteboard the size of the Green Monster and a case of Sharpie markers, so I tend to just say I write stuff for Men's Health.

That always leads to the question, "How did you get hooked up with them?"

So here's the answer. Its disgustingly straightforward. And therefore, I'm not a very good person to get ideas from if you want to break into the magazine scene...

I've been working with Men's Health since the summer of 2000, when as a graduate student, I first sent them one of my old CB Athletics newsletters.

Lou Schuler, author of many fitness books, was the editor at the time, and he was learning a lot from Charles Poliquin, Mike Mejia, Ian King, and others at the time, and therefor was changing his approach to fitness.

My newsletter happened to be along the same mindset, and he really liked a tip I gave on shoulder training I think.

From there, he kept assigning me little bits, and I was working closely with Adam Campbell, who is now the fitness editor.

One of the main reasons I did so much work for them was simply because I got back to them quickly!

If you don't already know, magazine folks are OVER-worked and UNDER-paid, so anything you can do to make their lives easier is greatly appreciated.

So I developed a strong relationship with them.

Then Lou left and Adam jumped over to Men's Fitness, near the end of 2002. So I went with Adam.

Eventually Adam went back to MH, and I did too, for the start of 2006.

Now I go down there and film video clips for them every once in a while. For example, if they have an article on Jason Statham's workout, I'll go down and film all the exercises for the website version of the article.

I've done this for their 300 workout and their Brady Quinn article. So I guess I'm into acting now too, having played Quinn and Statham in their workouts
and right now I'm doing a huge project with them called the "Belly Off Program".

They are using my Bodyweight 500 program as their main fat loss program.

Check it out here:

Don't miss my weekly motivational video tips!


Fat burning exercises

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