Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How to Control Sugar Cravings

From our 3rd place TT Transformation Contest winner, Kristine Willis, comes advice on how to control sugar cravings.

This info was posted on the forums at (where people from all around the world are helping one another lose fat, gain muscle, and change their lives and bodies).

Here's Kristine, telling it like it is, giving some tough love that we all need from time to time...

"For me the biggest thing is mindset. When I read your post it sounds like you've given up on trying to have control over your cravings. You are letting them control you. There is nothing anyone can say or do to help you until you decide it is time to help yourself. I know I may sound a little harsh. I'm sorry but you have the power inside you! If it is something important to you and you believe you can do it, you will be successful. If you've decided nothing works, then nothing will."

It sounds so much better coming from her than me,

craig ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Join Kristine and the dozens of returning Transformation Contest challengers in the 2nd TT Transformation Contest starting May 1st.

Click HERE to sign up for the TT Transformation Contest Details

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