Tuesday, April 15, 2008

16 More Ab Exercises From Alwyn Cosgrove

Last week, Alwyn Cosgrove gave us 21 ab stability exercises...if you missed that, check the list here:

=> 21 Ab Stability Exercises

This week, he brings us 16 more ab exercises, but this time there is a little more movement in each exercise (and frankly, that makes them harder to do).

So if you're an ab training superstar, you'll love this list.

(NOTE: I apologize, but I don't have photos of these exercises...I will try to do a video with some of them soon!

1) Plank on elbows - walk to push up

2) Plank on elbows on ball - walk to push up

3) Plank - elbows on ball - move the ball

4) Stability Ball (SB) kneeling rollouts from elbows

5) SB kneeling rollouts from hands

6) SB standing roll outs from hands

7) Valslide (VS) plank position 1 (under shoulders)

(NOTE: What's a Valslide? Check out www.ValSlide.com)

8) VS plank - position 2 (in front of shoulder)

9) VS plank push aways

10) VS plank push aways to one arm push up

11) VS plank push aways to spiderman push ups

12) Prone jackknife

13) Prone jackknife with band resistance

14) Single leg prone jackknife

15) Prone pike

16) Single leg prone pike

To see how Alwyn Cosgrove uses these exercises in his workouts,
=>> Click HERE for Alwyn's Afterburn Fat Loss program

More great 6-pack ab tips from Tom Venuto & advanced exercises from the Diesel Crew coming up later this week,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Alwyn has a fat-burning workout called "Afterburn"...

...and it will help you lose your belly fat and get a flat stomach.

Especially if you use the exercises he recommends above.

=> Click HERE to Get Great 6-Pack Abs with Alwyn's Afterburn Workout

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