Sunday, March 09, 2008

Strength Training for Runners

Strength training for runners is very simple. After all, most runners are weak and overtrained, so its easy for them to get stronger with almost any type of strength training program.

That's why, when I get questions about creating a Turbulence Training for Runners, I always tell the reader that almost any Turbulence Training program currently available will do the job.


Because all Turbulence Training strength training programs focus on the muscles of the back of the body, where runners are extremely weak - and that is often an underlying factor in injury.

So the bottom line: The exercises in any TT program will help a runner...there really wouldn't be much difference between a program I gave a runner and a program I gave someone for fat loss.

The only difference I might suggest, is that runners do LESS strength training than a person on a fat loss program, if the person is a serious runner training 3-4 times per week.

There is no point in training to the point of excess soreness. All a runner needs is one good, hard set per exercise. They don't need to train like bodybuilders. As long as they are getting stronger in each session, that is all that matters. I might also have runners strength train only twice per week. Again, it all depends on how much running they are doing.

Remeber - we are using strength training to compliment their running...we don't need them to set world records in strength exercises.

Next, a couple of questions that frequently get sent in to our reader mail...

Q: Can you do Turbulence Training as straight sets instead of supersets?

Sure, thats' fine. It just means your workout will take longer.

Q: Can I have Turbulence Training for free?



Q: Does fruit make you fat?


Q: Does Turbulence Training build muscle?

Yes. How much muscle you build with TT depends on how much you eat and how much interval training you do. 

fat burning workout

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