Friday, March 14, 2008

Plantar Fasciitis Relief from Mike Robertson

Platar Fasciitis relief from top personal trainer, Mike Robertson.

Here's what I have all clients/patients with PF do for it:

- Foam roll everything on the back side of your body; calves, peroneals, hamstrings, glutes, etc. Use a tennis ball on the plantar fascia, even though it will hurt like an SOB. Remember the whole body is connected, so we have to loosen everything up.

- Static stretch the hammies, calves, and the plantar fascia in multiple positions. To stretch the calves use a traditional doorway stretch. To get the hammies you can use the foot up on a desk and bend over approach, as well as this little doozy.

Lay on your back with a towel in hand. Place the towel over the end of your foot, and then pull your foot up like you're going to stretch your hammies.

Next, pull your toes down towards your face; you should get a killer stretch in the hammies, calves, and behind the knee. It will be super tight, but it will feel good when you're done.

You can also stretch your PF. Sit on a chair, take your shoe off, and place one ankle across your knee so you're sitting "man-style." Pull the toes back towards your shin to get a stretch in the PF. I'd try to run through these stretches 3-5 times per day until you start to loosen up.

- Ice it for 15 minutes every 1-2 hours to get rid of the inflammation. If you take fish oils, crank up the dosage for the next few weeks.

This should give you a start; let me know if it makes sense.

Mike Robertston

1 comment:

  1. this is truly pleasant to read..informative post is great to read..thanks a considerable measure!
