Monday, February 25, 2008

Travel Workout & Diet Tips

I fly a lot, so I have my pre-flight and in-flight routines down to a science. I pack almonds and apples for the airport, get a window seat for each flight, bring 2 big books to read, and use my own
headphones for the in-flight movie.

Doing this helps me keep my sanity and my abs while traveling, because eating in an airport is a fat burning nightmare.

Earlier this month, we were at the airport again, flying from snowy Toronto to beautiful Hawaii. With a stopover in Dallas, this was a 17-hour door to door journey, but it didn't bother me since I stuck to my diet plan.

And we continued to live the Turbulence Training lifestyle while in Hawaii, doing 3 short burst workouts and staying active by surfing and walking the beach.

(Get your own short burst workouts here:

Here are 7 tips to help you stay fit, not fat when it comes time for your spring break or next work trip.

1. It's up to you to pack good nutrition options for the road since it's almost impossible to eat right when you are stuck in airports.

Healthy, road-worthy snacks that you can pack in your bag include raw nuts, apples, pears, protein bars, and organic beef jerky.

2. Plan your business travel meals in advance if possible so that you can stick to daily nutrition totals.

Airlines and hotels are more accommodating in meeting the special nutrition requirements of customers these days. Ask and you shall receive.

3. Find an adequate hotel gym or nearby fitness establishment so you can continue with your regular workouts.

I hit the Honolulu 24-Hour Fitness location and didn't miss a workout. (Plus, I filmed a few new TT workout videos around the Island).

4. While your best option is to purchase a day-pass and go to a local gym for your TT workout, if there is no time, then hit the hotel gym or do a bodyweight TT workout in your room.

5. Schedule your workouts with as much dedication as you schedule your business meetings.

Take advantage of whatever time slot is available during your travels for exercise. Training is another
appointment that can also be used as an excuse to skip the unnecessary post-meeting cocktails and calories.

6. Travel with a "maintenance mindset". Stick to your plan and you'll return home without gaining any fat or losing any fitness.

Minimize the nutrition dangers of food, booze, and inactivity with a positive mindset. Holidays are not a license to binge.

7. Spend waiting time walking. If you are enduring a layover in an airport, walk around the airport if your schedule and surroundings permit. Don't be lazy!

For more travel workout options, get the Turbulence Training fat burning workouts:

So we had a great trip, and while I'm now in the less exotic locale of Baltimore today, I'm still sticking to my plan - short, burst workouts and whole, natural food nutrition. Stay strong!

Travel is no excuse to stop burning fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Fat Burning Workouts

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