Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Main Point About Turbulence Training

Here's some great feedback about the Turbulence Training program/Lifestyle, and it emphasizes a major point that many exercisers often forget.

Bottom Line: Your workouts should enhance your life, not become your life.

"Being the cynic that I sometimes am (and a skeptic always), I was hesitant to try TT, but the busy month of December cut into my time and I started with the Bodyweight Workout (it kept me out of the gym most of the month).

I am not new to exercise. I've been pretty consistent for the past 10 years. I lift and run and just generally look at fitness as fun with the side-effect of feeling good in and about my body. In the past 2-3 years, however, I had some over-training injuries, depression, and weight gain. I've had a really (ridiculously) hard time pulling myself back out of the pain and general mind-funk. I finally feel like I'm getting back to normal (or better - who said getting old has to suck?)

I liked the bodyeight workout enough that I bought TT in January and did the Intermediate workout.
I've switched over to the Original TT workout for February and I still love it!

I'm building muscle at a surprising rate - I haven't been able to do that in years - without the muscle and joint stiffness that was happening so much with regular body-building style routines. I focus on stretching, but I don't have to go to a couple of yoga classes each week just to feel limber (another time saver).

Honestly, I don't go to the gym 3 days a week. It's more usually two times each week, and sometimes just once. I'm active in other ways and it seems like getting back to other, fun, regular life activity is part of the reason TT is working so well for me. With some of my other routines, they took up so much time I didn't have fun doing other things (both because of time and because I didn't feel all that great). Now, I'm back to playing with the kids and the dog and running up and down the hills -for fun!

So, yep, this sounds just like a commercial, but it's true. And I'm not getting paid to say it. Unless my payment is getting my life back.

Thanks, Craig. I feel much better than I have in a long time and I look forward to exceeding my best."


CB's reply... 

Thanks, I really appreciate it, especially this comment which many TT clients and non-clients should read again and again:

"I'm active in other ways and it seems like getting back to other, fun, regular life activity is part of the reason TT is working so well for me."

This is something I'm really trying to emphasize with my program, which I prefer to a Lifestyle rather than program anyways.

Great to hear from you.


Click HERE to get your life back with Turbulence Training

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