Saturday, February 09, 2008

Juan Lost 75 Pounds with Turbulence Training

In less than 8 months, Juan Ruiz has lost 75 pounds following the Turbulence Training program.

From everyone on the TT Members Forum, we couldn't be more proud of you Juan! Keep up the great work.

"When I started using Turbulence Training, I weighed 315lbs. I wasso out of shape that I had to start with the beginner program, and work my way up the many levels of Turbulence Training. I have been using Turbulence Training for six months now. I have lost a total of 77lbs within those six months, and I feel great.

I currently weigh 238lbs and still have a long way to go, but I am more than confident that I will meet my goal because I have a plan. I have the Turbulence Training Plan.

Words alone cannot explain how great Turbulence Training is.Turbulence Training can be one of two things. If you dont use it, it'll be just another book you bought to add to your pile of fitness books that are on the shelf collecting dust.

Or it can be that window of opportunity the one thing that you really needed to get yourself into shape, feeling great and looking good. The choice is up to you."
Juan Ruiz, TT Member 4 life

Think of the progress you can make before summer,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

Click HERE to start losing fat with Turbulence Training

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