Friday, February 29, 2008

Female Fat Loss Transformation Contest

Ladies, I have some amazing success stories to share with you today, and they come from Holly Rigsby, America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for Moms, and her clients at Fit Yummy Mummy.

Today is the last day to enter the FYM 12-Week Transformation Challenge and get your new body by summer, so find out all the rules here and get your bikini body in only 12 weeks:
=> FYM Transformation Rules

Now for the success stories...

1) Banish the Dreaded Muffin Top!

Click HERE to see one girl that did it, fast!
2) Meet Maria, the Mom who lost more fat when she stopped slow cardio!
=> Stop doing slow cardio!

3) Find out how Angela broke through her fat loss plateau
=> Beat Your Fat Loss Plateau

4) Amber Lee's husband noticed her arms were more toned!
=> Get defined, sculpted arms!
Holly has everything to help you live a better life as a Mom,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training, yet not allowed into the women's only Club FYM 

PS - In need of a fat loss Support System?

Social support is one of the keys to permanent fat loss, and you'll get that as part of the 12-week FYM Transformation Contest. You'll have ladies from all over the world cheering you on and cheering you up as you go through the next 12 weeks of changing your body and losing your baby belly fat.

Maximize Your Results - Establish a Support System - Become a Fit Yummy Mummy today!

Go here to get started:

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