Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bodyweight Cardio 500

Today I filmed a sunrise session on the Waikiki beach here in Honolulu...and the workout I filmed was a little one I made up called the Bodyweight Cardio 500.

We'll get it up on Youtube in March. In the meantime, the big lesson from this workout was that if you did the BW Cardio 500 for 15 minutes, and then you did interval training for 15 minutes after, you'd end up with a better body than the other people I saw running/jogging/shuffling along the boardwalk this morning.

Hopefully the video turned out well, and we'll have a new way for you to burn fat next month on Youtube.

In the meantime, here's a common question I get...

Q: I purchased your TT training yesterday, looke like a lot of funn, the best part is the variety. A quick question though...If I successfully complete the belly off program where do you suggest starting in your Tub. Training?

And for those contemplating this move, from the reading ist looks to be a great source for a good workouts; good variety and GREAT explinations.


I like to start folks off with the Intermediate Workout from the main Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual.

Also, did you get your free bonus 3-month membership to That is something everyone gets when they order...and thats where you can download the BW 1000.

You might not be interested in going all the way up to the 1000, but there are new BW 200, 501, and 750 challenges you might like to try.

The BW 1000 has some more "cardio-type" moves in it, to make it more manageable.

Thanks again!

Click HERE to get started with Turbulence Training

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