Tuesday, January 22, 2008

TT Transformation Update

So we have over 100 men and women from all over the world registered in the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. We have young men, couples, moms, men and women in their 50's and even 60's, folks from Russia, down-under, LA, Spain, you name it.

And for all TT Members, I am making the "Secrets of The Transformation Experts" bonus report available again for everyone. But you have to be a TT Member.

Click HERE to download the bonus report

Please read it...there is some valuable info in there for your programs. It covers...

Where to start your transformation

The most important measurements to take

How often to have a cheat meal

Success stories of women who have lost 50+ pounds, as well as a woman who entered her first Figure Competition within 16 weeks of starting working out

Inspiring and educational,


PS - Don't forget...

If you become a TT Member today, you can download the January workout and you'll get the February Workout early next week.

Click HERE to download the bonus report

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