Wednesday, January 16, 2008

More on Heavy Weights and High Reps

It never hurts to learn as much as possible from other fitness experts. As a trainer, I buy at least 4 books a month, and after I read Vince's program, I knew I had to share his workout with you...
Vince DelMonte, today's muscle building expert, is a guy who's beaten bad genetics and after years of running himself thin he was able to build muscle and burn fat with his workout and diet plan.
If Vince can do it, anyone can.
CB: Vince, tell us your muscle gaining story. From the sounds of it, you made it really hard on yourself to put on muscle in the first place.
I guess I'm unique considering that I went from being a national level triathlete and long distance runner to a bodybuilder and muscle building author. 
I competed in endurance sports (quite successfully and at a national level) for 9 years until the age of 22. After university I ventured into the fitness world and decided to look the part! I was sick of being called "Skinny Vinny."
The rest is history. My transformation went on to be featured on and the international magazine Maximum Fitness. I got so many questions from readers that I decided to just put my ntire program and course online for others to follow so they could do the same as me. 
CB: Yes, I remember the article from MF. Hilarious "before" photo on your website as well. Tell us about the workout program you used.
My program can be used by anybody - male or female, young and old, skinny or chubby.
The program is based on high intensity and lower volume - the perfect formula for busy people.
Training with a high intensity (give your muscles a reason to grow philosophy) and lower volume system will produce the best muscle building and fat loss results. 
I train my female clients the same as male clients. I train my older clients the same as my younger ones. They all get their butts kicked, go home, refuel, rest and do it again. The only consideration for certain age groups and sexes is recovery time. 
CB: As you know, I'm a fan of keeping things to the basics, so how do you keep your workouts simple?
The workout is 'simple' in the sense that you have only one mission and goal with each workout:
To fully exhaust the muscle by recruiting the greatest amount of muscle fibers possible with the least amount of sets.
In other words, your goal is to "out do" your previous workout with load, not fatigue.  Once you do that, you are ready to move onto the next muscle group. 
There is zero need to continue hammering the same muscle group for over an hour - that only results in muscular fatigue not muscular overload (which is the foundation of muscle growth). 
CB: What set and rep scheme do you like and why? Does it change for fat loss?
For hypertrophy, whatever it takes to "out do" your previous workout.
You might need two or three warm up sets however once your body is ready to go, it is your goal to load the bar with the maximal amount of weight and perform the maximal amount of reps.
My advanced program teaches you how lift high reps and high weight at the same time!
CB: Do things change for fat loss?
For fat loss, I use cardio and nutrition to create the caloric deficit. Not weights. My clients weight training programs do not change whether their goals are fat loss or muscle building. That is why my program is perfect for fat loss too.
I don't use high metabolic energy circuits for fat loss. If you gained muscle while training heavy, why would you change that?
The heavy lifting sends the signal to your brain to 'keep the muscle.' As soon as you start lifting lighter weights during a fat loss program your body starts to strip off muscle which slows
metabolism and results in a 'soft' look. 
CB: That is a kick-butt, and fast way, to build muscle and burn fat. Now tell us about the bonus offer you are making to readers...
For the next 72 hours only I'm giving away DVD's and copies of my upcoming muscle-building interview series.
Visit Vince's website to see everything described in more detail, but here's everything in his workout program:

* 201 page e-book (literally EVERYTHING you need to know about muscle)
* 29 week Beginner-Intermediate Workout Plan
* 29 week Advanced Workout Plan
* Upside Down Training (specialized workouts)
* Five 84 Day Healthy Calorie Meal Plans
* Three 84 Day Veggie Mass Meal Plans
* Three 84 Day Cheap Mass Meal Plans
* A Virtual Trainer (exercise database)
* The Supplement Files
* 24-7 Email Coach
* MP3's of entire course
* 8 Week Guarantee
Plus, he's giving away these extra bonuses:

Bonus #1 - The brand new No Nonsense Muscle Building DVD
Bonus #2 - Three Months FREE to his No Nonsense Muscle Building Zone.
Bonus #3 - Digital Audios and transcripts to his 2008 Bodybuilding
Teleseminar Series: Uncensored Interrogations Of The World's Biggest
Experts On Building Muscle.

But you have to get the program before Wednesday, January 16th, at midnight if you want these time-sensitive bonses.
Build muscle, burn fat with Vince's Program & Bonuses
CB: Thanks Vince.
PS - The bonuses are only around until Wednesday at midnight...

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