Monday, January 14, 2008

Bodybuilding is for Wimps

I've written so much about fat loss this year, that a bunch of readers have emailed me to say, "Hey, what if I just want to gain some muscle?".
Ooops, I forgot to deal with that issue.
Fortunately, I was able to make a phone call to muscle-building expert Vince DelMonte last week. He's just down the road from me in Hamilton (an hour from my place in Toronto), and he had some very controversial things to say.
And don't miss his meal preparation tips below...he had a couple that I had never heard of before...Plus, when Vince said "bodybuilding programs are for wimps", I sat straight up in my chair and asked to hear more.
I respect Vince because not only is he bigger and stronger than me, but also because he is just as busy. Which means that his workouts are also "no fluff", and perfect for the busy guy and gal that want to build muscle with Vince's workout program.
CB: Vince, how do you convince guys that the high-volume, 5-day per week programs aren't as good as the bodybuilding magazines make them out to be? What's a better way to train for muscle building?

I will even go as far as to say that bodybuilding workouts tailor to wimps...but first, there are 3 reasons I believe bodybuilding programs are ridiculous...
1. Bodybuilding has no transfer to reality.
Legs one day, back one day, chest one day, arms one day...why don't we have another day allocated to face muscles and another day for just finger muscles?!
You've probably heard the saying, "Form follows function." The way you train will determine the way you look but it will also determine the way you perform and live life. 
2. Total body workouts have a better hormonal response for muscle.
Science has shown that the more muscle one use during a training session, the greater the amount of testosterone and g.rowth hormone that is released into your body.
These are the two MAJOR hormones responsible for building muscle mass. Doing exercises like squats, presses, and rows is like shooting testosterone and hGH through a powerful fire hose into
your body - burning fat while building muscle.
Bodypart training just doesn't do the same. So you get more bang for your buck with my type of training
3. Bodybuilding workouts are too long and boring.
Bodybuilding programs usually prescribe 12-24 sets for ONE muscle group. That's insane! Bodybuilding programs are like saying, "Go sprint a marathon!" It's impossible. 
If I'm doing 12-24 sets on one muscle group then I can only train at 60-70% of my one rep max. Do you think that's actually intense? No! Where are the gains coming from?
That's why people can do these marathon body part workouts for up to 2 hours. And when you train longer then (about) 60 minutes, hGH and testosterone hormones drop and cortisol, a hormone that
destroys muscle, begins to rise.
I will even go as far as to say that bodybuilding workouts tailor to wimps because the workouts are easy. How can a 60-90 minute workout be "intense" if you're only working out at 70% of your one rep max?
For me, bodybuilding workouts are the equivalent of a walk in the park.
CB: What are the best exercises for building muscle?
Multi-joint exercises that use the maximal amount of muscle to create the greatest hormonal response and that recruit the greatest amount of muscle fiber and that allow you to make consistent strength gains. This includes...
Deadlifts, squats, snatches, clean and presses, bent over rows, pull ups, and dips.
CB: How would you structure a day of eating to gain muscle mass?
A number of things:
1. Any meals that would require me to eat on the road would already be in tupperware containers from preparation the night before.
2. My first meal would be consumed within 15 minutes of waking up.
3. My stop watch will beep every 3 or 4 hours (by setting the countdown timer) to remind me that it's time to eat again.
4. I would reach into my (big) lunch bag and eat the meal assigned on my "Healthy Mass Meal Plan" that day.
5. Before leaving for the day, I would note if I am low on any food so that I can stop at the market or grocery store to keep my fridge and cupboards stocked.
6. I would prepare all my food for the day before while making phone calls to friends with my head set on so I kill two birds with one stone and actually look forward to my meal prep.
Developing and executing these habits consistently took me about half a year before they actually became lifestyle. 
CB: Very interesting tips. Do you have a female version of your program?
I do and it IS different that the male version. It was co-authored by Shannon Clark, one the top bodybuilding authors on the net.
We've called the program No Nonsense Female Bodyshaping and she had a huge role in representing a few sections of a muscle building program that should be tailored for females.
Build muscle & burn fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
PS - Vince has put together 3 bonuses to help you kick off the New Year with maximum muscle building...
But these gifts are only available till Wednesday.
Bonus #1 - The brand new No Nonsense Muscle Building DVD shipped right to your door step - 60 minutes of Vince - super ripped, huge and strong teaching you his entire program in person. This will be sold for $47 (plus shipping and handling) after the promo. Go to his website to check out the 60 second trailer!
Bonus #2 - Three Months FREE to his No Nonsense Muscle Building Zone. A brand new private members site that will be launched in March. Membership will be $197 a year if you don't reserve your seat before the promo ends.
Bonus #3 - Audios and transcripts to his 2008 Bodybuilding Teleseminar Series: Uncensored Interrogations Of The World's Biggest Experts On Building Muscle.
This product will be $97 after it's recorded in February but you can reserve your own copy at no extra cost until Wednesday at midnight.
Total Value of these extra bonuses is $341.
So if building *lean muscle mass* is your goal for 2008 then don't miss out on this opportunity Vince has offered you..


  1. Vince definitely knows his stuff...but come on bodybuilding programs are for wimps - really? I understand that full body workouts have their place in the gym, but I've always had good luck with the typical bodybuilding split routines. Sure bodybuilding has no link to reality, but that's the draw for a lot of guys - they just want to get big and strong and not healthy and lean.

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