Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Belly Off Transformation...

There's a lot of talk about the comeback kids these days in the paper, but as a Canadian, I don't really understand the whole scene. You're voting on who to vote for?

Anyways, there's a better set of comeback kids to talk about...and those are the guys in the Mens Health Belly Off Transformation Contest.

Here are some comments from the guys going through the MH Belly Off program...

"Thanks for the motivation Harry, I appreciate it! You're right, my body is used to sitting behind a desk 8 hours a day and then sitting around or doing some light playing with my kids in the evening.

This is the first time I've done a program/routine without thinking I'm going to be perfect at it right away. I used to expect quick results from easy exercises, but I know that can't happen and it's going to take some hard work. I don't have a problem with putting in the work, it's just setting my expectations properly that I need to work on."

"Great attitude guys! I have much of the same problem. I haven't been on a regular workout routine since college (about 10 yrs ago) I'm just glad I've decided to make this change. Keep up the great work!"

And you can check out all the profiles of Men's Health Belly Off Transformation guys HERE.

No matter what you fitness level, stay strong, be consistent, eat right, and get enough sleep tonight so you can train hard tomorrow,


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, is a Men's Health Fitness Advisor and author of Turbulence Training for Fat Loss. For more of Craig's fat burning workouts, fat loss tips, and free report on the "Dark Side of Cardio", go here.

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