Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Women Love Using Turbulence Training

"Dear Craig, I would like to take the time to thank you for changing my life. Over the course of a few months I lost over 25 lbs through long hours of cardio. I looked great, felt awesome, but then I hit a plateau. I stopped loosing weight and getting results. Not to mention that the long hours spent at the gym working out aren't exactly convenient w/ two children under 5.
Then I found Turbulence Training by accident. I was incredibly leery of spending that much money, but it's the best $$$ I have spent in my life.

Within one week of starting to do the exercises, one week mind you, I felt a difference in my body right away. I have now stuck to doing it 4 weeks and I feel fantastic. My body is so strong and healthy and my self esteem is at an all time high. I no longer worry about not being able to fit in a workout because TT is so effective and takes so little time that I can always fit it in even on the busiest days. I highly recommend TT to anyone that wants to get results and fast.

Last night I was able to do pushups, real pushups, not girlie pushups like I've been doing all my life. I have never done a single pushup the right way, so imagine my surprise when I discovered that I can do real pushups. Thank you Craig!"
Hilda Rivas

"Hey there Craig, I am a newly certified personal trainer however, I have always trained family and friends before being certified. I am 33 and I have had one child (7 years old). I have always trained with weights and thoroughly believe in using weights to build muscle, get ride of fat and build bone density but, your TT bodyweight workouts are absolutely fantastic.

I have been using TT 4 week workout for the last month and I now fit into jeans that have been in my closet for at least two years! I was already fit to begin with but could not seem to loose those last few inches to make my clothes fit the way I like them to. I am now using your program on a couple of new clients I just started to train last week, I only have 6 weeks to get them into tip top shape before they are off to Hawaii but I know using your program will do the trick.

I am going to next purchase your TT to use with dumbbells as I would like to put on a little more muscle and possibly compete in a figurecompetition. Once again, keep up the great work! Your programs make it happen!"
Pennie, Phoeinx, AZ
true. unique. fun. fit

"To begin with, I am a 48 year old woman who has been on some sort of diet plan since 1987 (that's when my son was born) I've tried all sorts of exercise programs; Curves, The Firm, 6 weeks, Numerous Beach Body programs, not to mention Atkins, Slim Fast, Nutrisystem, low fat, low carb, low calorie etc. You name it I've tried it and probably bought it!

3 weeks ago I stumbled across Craig's Dark Side of Cardio. Of course, being the sucker that I am, I bought the program. But wait, here it is 3 weeks later and I've lost 10 pounds! (started at 173) My clothes are looser!. What is happening here. A program that actually delivers! A program without false promises! A program that doesn't make you workout 5-7 days a week but only 3X for 45 minutes!

I've got to tell you, I was certainly skeptical because of past history, but WOW, I can't believe this. I tried on a skirt that I couldn't get past my hips last winter and I wore it today!!! I love this program; it's fast, fun and complete. Thank you Craig!"
Kelley Howard

"Hello, I just finished my first month following this program. I lost 5lb, which is not bad at all. I was also tracking my measurements I lost 1 inch on my waist and hips and breast and 1 3/4 from my thighs. I am also starting to have muscle definition and my clothes are starting to fit loose. I'm extremely satisfied and this is only the first month.

Anyway my message is to thank you so much for you excellent program, I did a very thorough research before buying it and am very glad I found it. There are so many scams out there. I hope you get to reach more people because the claims made on your webpage are true. I cannot wait to start the intermediate phase and see the results.

My ultimate goal is to lose another 19lbs and especially tone my muscles. I know I will accomplish this. Once again thank you, Happy Holidays Season."
Rosimar Del Valle

"I have been using the TT for 4 weeks now. I'm a 44 yrs old female 5 ft 2 & 67kg. Previously have had been exercising 5-6 days a week, an hour at a time (or more) usually Cardio-like Billy Blanks, Boxersise and of course running.

I was amazed by the after burn I got from the first TT workout. I have only lost 1.5 kg , but I admit I haven't given up on my favorite foods Beer and Ice-cream. I have lost a couple of cm's off my waist and hips but gained muscle on my arms and thighs. I am really impressed with my strength gain in such a short time.

Turbulence Training suits me. I enjoy working out alone and I like the challenge of  feeling the improvement.e.g. originally half of my pushups were on my knees now all are on my toes. I feel ready to move up to the next level, I can't wait."
Louise Andrews, Western Australia

Click HERE to get started with Turbulence Training

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