Saturday, December 08, 2007

Turbulence Training is Tops Down Under in Australia


I am a Melbourne, Australia based personal trainer and martial arts instructor with many years experience in the industry.

I have been using the Turbulence Training  programs and principles in my own training and that of my clients and have been very impressed with the results, as have they. My clients are training harder on briefer, more effective programs and are happy with the results to say the least.

The training principles I've used for years have always been on the quality rather than quantity side, but the innovative program structuring that goes
with TT is great and provides plenty of variety and challenge.

Furthermore, from a personal perspective, my joints which have been battered after years of martial arts and heavy weight training are now more pain free
and enable me to hit the gym and train hard and consistently. You have my full endorsement."
Sean Bowring
Zanshin Fitness Solutions
Melbourne, Australia



I live in Sydney Australia, am 37 years old and have been working out diligently for many years, however had a heavy set body, you know slightly overweight by just a few kg and carrying too much body fat, love handles on the back, stomach paunch and chubby legs.

How could this be I used to think to myself I go to the gym 4 times a week doing weights and 40 min of high intensity cardio with the odd spin class, but nothing has changed. I was beginning to think that it was just my body - perhaps I'm getting to old now to get great results - it was to say the least depressing.

As my gym membership was running out I decided that I would try something different and get away from the gym as the results were poor. There has been recently a few articles about the benefits of sprints so I decided to some research on the net and that's where you came into the picture and I am so grateful for your programs! There is hope for me yet!

It's been about 6 weeks since I started the initial program and have moved onto the women's 4 week program and I've had fantastic results. I really appreciate how comprehensive the manuals are, with detailed pictures and instructions. Best money I ever spent!

I've also used the nutritional guidelines which are so easy to follow. The result, the love handles on the back have disappeared and my stomach is much flatter, my arms are more toned and even my legs look thinner! To say I am happy is an understatement! I feel like I'm moving away from that heavy set appearance and am looking forward to have a great summer (as it's currently spring in Australia).

Even at the 2-3 week mark my husband was commenting that I've lost weight and since then people have really noticed that my shape is changing. Every week people are saying, have you lost more weight? My body fat is really shifting and the best bit is that it takes far less time than going to the gym giving much more time for me! It also feels great to take control of your workouts!

I'm looking forward to the next few weeks and months as I continue on the various workouts to see how much more my body can change. It's great that there are so many workouts to keep the body challenged! Thank you for providing such proven workouts for poor misguided people like me!"
Nicole Bailey


Click HERE for Turbulence Training

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