Thursday, December 27, 2007

#1 Thing You Need to Do for Fat Burning in 2008

Things are starting to heat up - people aren't waiting for New Year's to start losing fat. And this is something I like to see. So let's get you started on the right track...if you have some time off this week, sit down and plan out your goals (fitness, family, finance, & fun) for 2008 this week.

After all, what is the best thing someone can do in 2008 if they want to lose fat?

It's planning. You have to put a plan together.

Get a good workout plan that suits your lifestyle, physical interests, time constraints, equipment availability, and training history. Don't do a heavy cardio program if you don't have a lot of time and hate doing cardio.

If you only have time for 3 short workouts per week, then grab Turbulence Training, the workout you can do at home or the gym with minimal equipment.

Click HERE to lose fat with Turbulence Training today!

At the same time, plan your nutrition. Figure out what eating schedule works for you. Address your weak points and work around them. Get rid of all the bad foods in your house and replace them
with good, fat fighting foods.

Look at your schedule and determine the two best times each week to spend an hour or so preparing your meals for the next coming days (for example, an hour on Sunday and an hour on Wednesday).

If you have your plan set out, all you have to do is follow it. Once you commit, stick to it. Don't bounce from program to program, or diet to diet.

You'll even benefit from planning your workout music in your Ipod, making sure you never grow bored of this vital motivation. Or plan to go to the gym when other people striving for the same goals will be there. Surround yourself with social support.

Also, plan in "mental breaks", such as cheat meals (once per week), and fun workouts - such as taking a long hike on the weekend or replacing one workout every month with a sport or workout with a friend.

This plan will be your guide to success. Do it once and you don't have to spend mental energy on it every week.

Plan for success and you'll lose fat permanently in 2008.

Screw New Years, get started now,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Turbulence Training is the best fat loss plan in the world.

"Craig's workouts were fun and challenging - I didn't dread going to the gym and I wasn't overly sore after our sessions. Much like my trainer in LA, Craig's workouts were always different: the
exercises, the supersets, the weights...the combination of elements always varied and, therefore, I never got bored or felt like I was in a workout rut. And my co-stars couldn't believe how great my
arms looked, thanks to Craig helping me do my first chin-up. Thanks Craig!"
Rachel Nichols, actress, "Charlie Wilson's War"

"I have been in love with Turbulence Training ever since I started. I am 6'3", 28/M and my starting weight/body fat% was 208 pounds and 18.4% body fat. After 22 weeks of TT, I am now down to 190 lbs and 10.8% body fat."
Nick Walters, New York, NY

"I've done just about everything from Turbo Jam, P90X, to trying to piece together my own workout, but didn't get the results I've seen with Turbulence Training."
Andrea Dunham

"Been using TT 4 years, love the newsletters. I use the 2K3 all the time, started off with the original ages ago. I lost 35 pounds in around 2 years & i'm 38 years old!"
Michael Walker

Click here to get started...

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