Friday, November 02, 2007

Turbulence Training Supersets

I don't understand the format of the Turbulence Training superset workouts. Can you explain how I do the supersets?


Here's how a full Turbulence Training workout looks like...In this example, each superset is done be done (3x8), meaning 3 times through and 8 repetitions per set.

Start with a bodyweight warmup and then move onto the supersets.

1A) 8 reps
No rest.
1B) 8 reps
Rest 1 Minute.

1A) 8 reps
No rest.
1B) 8 reps
Rest 1 Minute.

1A) 8 reps
No rest.
1B) 8 reps
Rest 1-2 Minutes and go to superset 2.

2A) 8 reps
No rest.
2B) 8 reps
Rest 1 Minute.

2A) 8 reps
No rest.
2B) 8 reps
Rest 1 Minute.

2A) 8 reps
No rest.
2B) 8 reps
Rest 1-2 Minutes and go onto the 3rd superset if applicable.

After doing the same as above for the 3rd superset, then rest as necessary and move onto Intervals - starting with the warmup. After a cooldown for your fat burning intervals, finish with static stretching for tight muscle groups.


Gain muscle lose fat

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