Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Theory Behind Turbulence Training

What is Turbulence Training? Why does it work for fat loss when everyone thinks you need to do at least 20 minutes of cardio for fat burning? How can you lose your stomach fat with only short bursts of resistance training and interval training?

If you want to burn calories, you have to do hours of cardio, right? Wrong! Recent research shows that often-neglected resistance training exercises can burn calories during exercise and long after your workout is over. This metabolism boost is a crucial component in your home gym fat burning workout program.

Furthermore, the intensity of your resistance training workout determines just how many calories you burn after exercise. If you've ever read a muscle magazine, or even spent a few hours in a commercial gym, someone has probably told you to do "high repetitions" in order to burn fat. By this, it is meant that you should do 15-25 repetitions per set of an exercise.

However, research shows that women training with a load that allowed only 8
repetitions per set burned more calories after exercise than using 15 repetitions per set. So we need to forget about the old "use high reps to get cut" myth and focus on high-intensity training instead.

The result of high intensity training is what I call "turbulence". The stress put on the muscle during low-repetition training (the "turbulence") stimulates your muscles to undergo repair and regeneration during recovery.

And that is what boosts your metabolism after exercise. If you don't apply enough turbulence, you won't get the calorie burning benefits.

Boost your intensity and benefit,

Click HERE for your free report on the Dark Side of Cardio

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