Saturday, November 03, 2007

Recovery Workout & Fat Loss Q'n'A

Yesterday I hit the hotel gym for anothe decent workout...modified from Ferruggia's Maximum Mass with whatever I could do in the hotel there were single-arm dumbell shoulder presses, forward lunges, wide-grip pulldowns (leaning back a bit), and even finished with a few sets of dumbell swings.

Had a couple of good questions on the fat loss forum this week that you will learn from...

Q: So, I just wrapped up your 4 week TT Muscle building program and it says to take 1 week "off" or doing light exercise.

Any ideas about what I should do? I'd like to give my body a nice rest to recover and build muscle, but I don't want to lay around doing nothing. What do you suggest?

Here are a couple of options for you...

a) 2 total body workouts of 1 set per workout, training at 80% normal intensity.

b) 1 normal "slightly lower than normal" intensity total body workout

c) 3 days of moderate intensity bodyweight training

Q:  I am in school full time and work full time. I try to exercise but feel so overwhelmed. I need help with quick workouts that I could do between work and studying. I have gained 30 pounds in the last year and don't have much energy. Should I just wait till I'm done school to start exercising.

The TT workouts are fast. You can split them up so they can be done in less than 20 minutes. (20 minutes resistance training on one day, 20 minutes intervals on the next).

There is no point in delaying your health and fitness. You need to take care of yourself first, before you start taking care of others.

And finally, the December TT workout of the month is going to be "12 Minute Workouts". So look for that program to help you reach your goals during the busy holiday season.

And finally, a comment from a reader:

"Dear Craig, I just want to write you a testimonial for your TT for Abs. In just two weeks I have lost 4 percent body fat! It is almost as if your program put my metabolism into overdrive. I have never experienced results like that before, the best part of the whole process is that I did not use a single pound of muscle.  Your TT for Abs is simply amazing!"
Mike Mahon, CSCS, Board Certified Gym Therapist
High Octane Fitness:

Enjoy those workouts,

PS - For all the monthly workouts, visit today!

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