Friday, November 09, 2007

Quit Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Yesterday afternoon, in beautiful Mesa, Arizona, I listened to a speaker named Dave Kekich. Paralyzed from the waist down for almost 30 years, and at one point down and out and broke, Dave put together the 100 Kekich Credo's that he lives by today.

Dave has since built a thriving business and is now an expert in the area of maximum life extension. On stage, Kekich looked about 45, but later revealed his chronilogical age to be 64. Impressive. 

Click HERE to read all 100 Kekich Credos

Here's #1 - it can relate to anything in life (from fat loss to business to relationships):

1. People will do almost anything to stay in their comfort zones. If you want to accomplish anything, get out of your comfort zone. Strive to increase order and discipline in your life. Discipline usually means doing the opposite of what you feel like doing. The easy roads to discipline are
1) setting deadlines, 2) discovering and doing what you do best and what's
important and enjoyable to you and 3) focusing on habits by replacing your bad habits and thought patterns, one-by-one, over time, with good habits and thought patterns.

But personally, I like #55 the best.

55. Enjoy life. Treat it as an adventure. Care passionately about the outcome, but keep it in perspective. Things are seldom as bleak as they seem when they are going wrong - or as good as they seem when they are going well. Lighten up. You'll live longer.

Have a good weekend,


PS - #76 is pretty good, too. 

"I will do this" is the only attitude that works. "I'll try" or "I think" doesn't work.

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