Tuesday, November 13, 2007

High-Intensity Interval Training Video

I get a lot of questions about High-Intensity Interval Training, so I explained it all in this video:

Click HERE to learn about High-intensity interval training

WATCH: More Youtube Videos

Want to try an advanced bodyweight workout?
Click HERE to watch the Bodyweight 500

Finally see what Spiderman Lunges are here:

Learn how to do the Spiderman Climb/Lunge HERE

WINNER: The TT Testimonial of the Month

Each month I pick the best of the dozens of TT testimonials and give away a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership. Send your testimonial to Support AT TurbulenceTraining.com

Here is this month's winning testimonial...

"I signed up to get a copy of "The Dark Side of Cardio" from Craig Ballantyne. After I read that I thought "oh man thats me, doing cardio constantly with no shape change to my body what so ever". I immediately started the Turbulence Training program. After my first month of doing TT I lost 3 inches around my waist, 2 inches around my chest, arms and thighs. And for the first time I can see my body changing. I gotta thank you so much for the TT programs, I started your program and changed my diet 2 months ago without fail. To date I have lost a total over 40lbs, and im getting ready to switch over into the third stage of Turbulence Training. Its funny, today I got into a pair of pants earlier that were not really tight but tighter than most of my pants.....when I took them off I realized that these were a pair of pants I havent been able to fit into for almost a year, I mean I
couldnt even get the button close to the hole to button them up and here I am wearing them right now. Not to mention last week I had to move my belt notch up, because the notch I was using before wasnt doing the job any more. I used to be a cardio man, but not anymore I'm a Turbulence Training man."
Juan Ruiz

For his testimonial, Juan wins a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership.

READ: How One Man Lost 300 Pounds

Very inspiring story of how Rob Cooper lost 300 pounds...a lot for everyone to learn...part 1 of 3. Rob has been quoted in the NY Times about his thoughts on the Biggest Loser TV show.

Click here for Rob's interview:

Burn another pound of fat this week,


PS - Have you watched the new Bodyweight Manual Videos?

Phase 3 of the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual is now up here:

You must be a Platinum Level Member to watch these videos.

"Turbulence Training is absolutely incredible. I've worked out for years and spent many dollars on personal trainers with very minimal results. TT is the only way to go. There really isn't even a close
second!! I'm telling everybody who will listen about TT. There's so much junk out there that I love telling people when I find something that is really great. One of the things I say about you on my website is that you over-deliver. You over-deliver like nobody I've ever seen. Keep up the GREAT WORK."
Steve Tuggle, CPT

See you on the forums!

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