Monday, November 19, 2007

The Cardio Confessional

Only minutes ago I stepped off a plane from Palm Beach to Toronto, back from the best fitness seminar I've ever attended. And as we left the plane, the stewardess from US Airways wished me a Happy Thanksgiving.

Of course, as a Canadian, I celebrated our Thanksgiving over 6 weeks ago.

However, for our American readers, the big day for giving thanks is this Thursday. Followed of course, by Black Friday - the day many men and women spend on the Cardio Confessional.

That's my term for people who think that an hour of cardio will make up for the previous day's dietary indiscretions. But nothing can be further from the truth.

For the next two months, millions of bloated men and women will be stepping on stairmasters, mounting elliptical machines, and parking their butts on bikes for hours while repenting their sinful pumpkin pie indulgences and other holiday feast transgressions.

Unfortunately, they will do all this with little return for the investment of their time.

Just take a look at the two most shocking research studies in the last year.

First, from Australia, came the study showing us that cardio did nothing for female fat loss, while interval training helped burn belly fat.

And second, an American study showed that even doing 300 hours of cardio in a year led to less than 6 pounds of fat loss in men and women.

So to sum up the big findings of this year...

- The cardio confessional is a waste of time.

- A mindset that involves "exercise as punishment for overeating" is unhealthy and ineffective.

- Resistance training is the only way to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

- Short burst Turbulence Training workouts are the best way to lose your belly fat and sculpt your body.

- The interval training workouts you'll find on pages 36-39 of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual will help you burn belly fat in only 20 minutes per session.

Click HERE to start Turbulence Training

Get with the program,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Turbulence Training Beats Cardio for Fat Burning Effectiveness.

"I have been in love with Turbulence Training ever since I started. I am 6'3", 28/M and my starting weight/body fat% was 208 pounds and 18.4% body fat. The mix of weight training with the high intensity intervals is the perfect fitness program. I really didn't believe it would be difficult until I started it. WOW what a burn!! I have finished the TT2K3 and 2K4. In these 5 months, I have upped my dumbell press weight 30 lbs from using 60s to 75s. I can't wait to start TT2K5 next week and see where I can get my bench up to. After 22 weeks of TT, I am now down to 190 lbs and 10.8% body fat."
Nick Walters, New York, NY

"I've done just about everything from Turbo Jam, P90X, to trying to piece together my own workout, but didn't get the results I've seen with Turbulence Training. My problem has always been my legs. No matter what I tried I have never been able to reduce the size of my thighs. I've tried the numerous leg routines featured in countless women's fitness magazines, but nothing worked. But with Turbulence Training I began to notice that my thighs looked smoother and more toned. Even my calf muscles were a lot more shapely. And I started seeing these changes about three weeks into the program. And I got these result without killing myself. The workouts are efficient and a lot of fun. I recommend this program to any woman who is struggling to lose that stubborn lower body fat. It is truly a godsend. A heartfelt thank you."
Andrea Dunham

"Been using TT 4 years, love the newsletters. I use the 2K3 all the time, started off with the original ages ago. I lost 35 pounds in around 2 years & i'm 38 years old!"
Michael Walker

Click HERE to start Turbulence Training

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