Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday's Quick Hotel Workout

Working out on the road is always a challenge, since often I'm tight for time, stuck at an airport hotel (far away from any real gyms), and therefore limited to the hotel gym - which doesn't offer a lot of weight (the dumbells at my hotel here in Tampa Bay only go up to 40 pounds).

But fortunately, today's workout was just supposed to be kettlebell snatches, so I substituted 1-arm dumbell swings in place and did 7 sets of 15 reps per arms, supersetted with pushups, closegrip pushups, and decline close-grip pushups.

It was a good are some videos of other quick, dumbell-bodyweight workouts you can do in a hotel gym...

10 minute workout

dumbell supersets

And here are a couple of bodyweight circuits you can do in your hotel room, without even going to the hotel gym...

bodyweight circuit training

hotel room workout

And finally, a pool workout...

pool workout

You never know where a workout might break out,

Fat burning home workouts

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