Sunday, October 14, 2007

Joel Osteen Can Bench Press 300 Pounds?

I had never heard of Joel Osteen either, but I turned on my TV tonight and flicked by 60 minutes and they had a feature on a preacher named Joel Osteen.

The segment concluded with a scene of Osteen in the gym, bench pressing on a smith machine, wearing gloves of course.

The voice-over says, "Osteen brings the sames intensity to his workouts as he does on stage. He can bench press 300 pounds."

Of course, the clip shows him bench pressing about 215, maybe 235, on a smith machine, and his arms were as big as my forearms (which aren't that big).

What a really weird thing to claim as a preacher...

I'd have to see it to believe it, because I really, really don't believe it,


PS - And what does it matter anyways what he can bench?

PPS - There's no way he can really bench 300 pounds.

PPPS - Seriously, I would like to see him try and bench 300 pounds on a real bench, not a smith machine. With 3 spotters of course. Safety first. Because there is no way he will be able to do it.


  1. Joel Osteen is the type of guy that works out a lot because he has already created his own routine and he follows it every day! I wish I had a body as his, but unfortunately I am not that disciplined.

  2. bbjoseph9:37 PM

    If you can press 215/235 for 8-10 reps on a Smith machine, there's no reason to believe you can't do a full rep of 300 on a bench.

  3. bbjoseph9:41 PM

    Also, power does not equal size. I've seen a 16, almost 17, year old girl with a very small frame - all of 120 lbs, do a rep of 205 lbs. It's all in how you train. You can gain strength without gaining size.
