Friday, October 12, 2007

Interval Fat Loss Q'n'A

Q: What is the best way to do intervals to get fast results?

If I wanted to get the most results in the least amount of time, I would find a track or field and do my sprints there, rather than inside on a treadmill.

HOWEVER...sprinting requires the most warmup and also the most thought given to the surface you are running on and the shoes you wear.

So caution is urged.

That's why I like the stationary bike, because there is very little to worry about but the results are pretty darn good.

Plus, as Professor Boucher from Australia has said, stationary bike intervals help reduce stomach fat. So bike intervals are proven to work.

Question for Alwyn Cosgrove on the TTmembers forum...

Q: I tend to be chronic undereater, I was averaging around 1000-1200 kcals below maintenance (maintenance is 2300 kcals)for a while and I think I hit a stall on fat-loss because of it.

I've been tracking my calories more diligently and have gotten my intake up to about 800-900 or so kcals below maintenance but it's still a struggle for me. I do 3 TT workouts a week and 3 HIIT/other workouts, too. Can you offer your thoughts on this? At what point does a caloric deficit affect fat loss? What advice would you give to turn things around and get fat-loss revving again?

There are really three ways to calculate a caloric deficit.

1) Arbitrarily pulling a number out based on target fat loss per week(e.g. cut 500 calories per day = 1lb per week).

2) A little better - reducing maintenance by 10-20%

3) The main one we use is to use 4 x lean body weight(lbs) as the deficit.

So if you are a 150lb female at 20% fat - you'd have 120lbs of LBM - and your deficit would be 480 calories.

A good rule is to estimate 2 and 3, and choose the lower one. An 800 calorie deficit is a bit too much unless you have a very strict time frame and reason for wanting to lose fat quickly.

It's a tough thing for people to accept - but the smaller the rate of fat loss - the longer you can keep losing fat without a plateau and the easier it is to keep it off.


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