Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Getting the Ab Burn & 6-Pack Abs

Ah yes, training for the burn. Doing hundreds of crunches until your abs are on fire, that's how you get ripped abs, right?

Uh, no.

Try as I might, I can't justify doing hundreds of crunches per set. How could that possibly get you ripped abs? Seriously, maybe I am too stupid to understand. Can someone please explain the physiology behind this approach to training?

No matter how many crunches you do, you won't be able to get rid of your ab fat with crunches alone. You need a good diet and an increase in your calorie burning from strength training and interval training.

You don't need to do abs every day. Instead, train them twice per week and use non-conventional exercises such as Mountain Climbers and Stability Ball Jackknives to reduce the stress on your low back.

Click HERE for no-crunch ab exercises

If you are an advanced bodybuilder, you can get into using some reisisted cable crunches, etc., in order to build ab muscle. But only if you are of low body fat already, and need to build your abs.

Most people need to focus on the basics for abs first, before crunching their brains out.

I put together an entire 4-week program that gives you the ab workouts, the interval cardio, and the dumbell and bodyweight strength exercises you need to sculpt your body and see your abs. Remember what I wrote yesterday? Australian researchers beleive interval training is the only exercise method that can "spot reduce" your belly fat. So don't waste your time a-crunching when you should be spending it on intervals.

Even my new bodyweight 500 program will be time better spent on getting 6-pack abs than chasing the "ab burn". Trust me, if you can do the bodyweight 500 in less than 30 minutes, there's no way you won't have a 6-pack and almost single-digit body fat. As Alwyn Cosgrove says, "Train for performance and you'll get the body you want". But train for the ab burn, and you'll just be wasting your time.

Click HERE to become a TT Member in October & get both programs for only $19.95


PS - Each workout also comes with exercise videos you can watch by clicking HERE

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