Thursday, October 04, 2007

America's Top Trainer

You know a trainer is good when I am impressed by his it is time for you to meet America's top new body transformation trainer...

His name is Darrin Steen.

CB: What is the first thing for both diet and exercise that you want to change in your clients for fat loss?

Darrin Steen:
With the diet it is two things.

Higher quality foods (more natural / less preserved) and smaller and more often with the meals, making sure to combine protein and carbs together. In only a few weeks' clients totally understand how to manipulate the amount and source of carbs for the different days of their fitness schedule.

With exercise it is obviously to be consistent to two or three 60 min. resistance and two 45 min. interval cardio sessions (upon wakening, in a fasted state). Next is intensity. To go beyond perceived failure, while at the same time keeping things safe. To make light weights feel heavy by slowing down rep speed (3-1-3) and isometrically squeezing target area. Working on the mind muscle connection.

CB: What role does slow cardio have in your fat loss programs?


Click HERE for the rest of Darrin Steen's interview

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DOWNLOAD: The TT Bodyweight 500

The ultimate fat loss challenge - a 4 week program that includes a new challenge every week - eventually building up to the legendary TT Bodyweight 500.

I think its great to add a "challenge" to your fat loss program...that way, you stay motivated, you stay competitive, and you keep on improving your performance - which often leads to more fat burning.

Download the TT Bodyweight 500 HERE

"I loved this workout as a change from my regular gym workouts, plus I know the fat was just melting off during the workout and my metabolism was increased for hours after. Great stuff!"
Brad Pilon, CSCS, Fasting for Weight Loss

Let us know your challenge time!

WATCH: The TT for Abs & Bodyweight 500 Videos

Each month Craig Ballantyne or another certified Turbulence Training coach will create a 4-week workout plan to help you lose fat, build muscle, burn calories, and get in the best shape of your life.

Watch TT Workout Videos


READ: Supplement Recommendations from Holistic Nutritionist

Dr. Jonny Bowden is a board certified nutritionist with a masters degree in psychology and counseling and a PhD in holistic nutrition. He's also the author of several books including, "Living the Low Carb Life: Choosing the Diet that's Right for You from Atkins to Zone", and his latest: "The 150 Healthiest foods on Earth".

Read Jonny Bowden's interview HERE


Have a fat-burning week!

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Back in July...

While you were enjoying summer nights on the patio, I was sweating in the gym till 11pm recording workout videos for the entire 6-Month Bodyweight TT Manual...and now I am starting to get these videos up on the member's site.

This week, I added Workouts A through C from the Preparation Phase of the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual.

Platinum Members can watch the videos here:

"I was a high school athlete, wrestling, football, baseball. Never once did I see my abs. My waist was almost two inches smaller than it is now but I still had a covering over my abdominals. This morning two horizontal divisions appeared in the mirror for the first time. Considering how hard I have worked in the past, it is amazing that TT is able to consume fat the way it does."
Paul Kazim, TT client

"Craig, the TT membership is amazing. I'm still surprised at how quickly I get a response to any question. Its incredible that for one very reasonable price TT members get access to all of your previous workouts and all of your new ones for an entire year. Talk about overdelivering!"
Mickey Glick

Click HERE for the TT Forums

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