Wednesday, October 17, 2007

6-Pack Ab Workout Controversy: Part 2

Today's article on the best 6-Pack Ab Workout continues on from Monday's post about the best abdominal workout routine advice.

So I've given my controversial advice about what beginners should do for for my more advanced 6-pack ab recommendations.

But first, I want to mention some "unknown" ab builders...

a) The Elevated Pushup

b) Straight Arm Cable Pullover

c) Front Squat

d) DB Pullover & even DB Triceps Extensions with extra stretch

All great total body moves to have in your program to burn calories and build abs at the same time.

Okay, now for the advanced stuff that Scott might have gotten out of me IF he had asked me to be part of his controversial ab interview series HERE

3) What do you really need to do to bring out your abs once you have your body fat low?

I would have talked about the pros and cons of Cable Crunches, which are without a doubt, the best resistance exercise for building abs.

There are several ways to do them, with one version being safer but just as effective as all other versions.

The big message I like to get across to clients is that they can build 6-pack abs without ever doing a single crunch while lying on their backs.

It shocks people, but it is true. And I bet Scott will get some other shocking revelations out of the 6-pack ab experts in his unparalleled interview series. And you don't have to pay a thing to listen to the calls live.

Click HERE for the controversial interviews
(including guys like Tom Venuto, Mike Geary, and crazy Jason Ferruggia)

I mean, what the heck is Ferruggia going to say about ab training. They might even have to build in one of those 5-second time delays with his interview, to bleep out his Politically-Incorrect opinions about training. He is going to be controversial.

I bet it will be totally different from what Shawn Phillips and Clark Bertram have to say...and no doubt Jon Benson will cause a stir with his nutrition tips as well.

All part of Scott's master plan to stir up the most controversy in the fitness industry since I settled the "Intervals are better than cardio" debate back in 2001.

Back with my favorite new ab exercise tomorrow,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training for Abs

PS - The Abs Controversy isn't just about bodybuilding... also goes over female fat loss with the top "Fat Loss for Moms" expert in the world, Holly Rigsby.

If you're a Mom of any age, you can't miss her call...

Click HERE to listen to the calls & learn ab training secrets

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